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Personal Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance policies provide an additional layer of liability coverage beyond other insurance policies, ensuring higher limits of liability against a variety of incidents.

Why is this important? We live in a litigious society where awards against homeowners continue to spiral out of control. The incidents generally begin innocently enough — your child playing with a friend on your trampoline, your pal borrowing your Jet Ski for the day, you taking your dog for a walk without a muzzle guard. But then an accident happens, equipment fails, a dog lashes out. Next thing you know, you find yourself in the middle of a contentious and expensive legal battle.

Our umbrella policies increase your personal liability coverage above your home, automobile, recreational vehicle or watercraft limits. They may even provide defense coverage and assistance with legal fees, saving you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses.

Personal umbrella insurance tailored to your family’s activities and financial needs offers you a powerful, yet inexpensive, safeguard against “losing it all” to a lawsuit.

Please discuss your Personal Umbrella needs with Homewell Insurance Services. We offer many different programs that can provide you the needed coverage, and save you money at the same time.

Please be sure and contact Homewell Insurance Services when your homeowners comes up for renewal. We represent many insurance companies that can save you money and get you the coverage you deserve.

